Aurora ADMS Implementation

Aurora Energy Limited, located in Dunedin, NZ, have chosen an ADMS to replace their existing Foxboro and Abbey SCADA systems. Synerty contributed to this project by providing five different resources across the project to complete the following tasks.

SCADA Cutover

Synerty was assigned the task of planning and executing the SCADA cutover. The cutover was successfully completed over a two day period, with out issue.

SCADA Validation

Synerty performed a validation of the migrated SCADA configuration using our SynTEST software. This required a significant effort, however, SynTEST streamlines SCADA validation with it’s semi automated approach, data capture, and test runs.

Network Model Validation

Synerty performed a digital validation of the migrated electricity network connectivity model using our SynMODEL solution. This was a significant effort that ensured the safety logic and behaviour was correct when the network controllers performed switching.
SynMODEL imported feeder diagrams in Autocad format, automatically extracted the network model then compared this with the model in ADMS. The detected errors were then passed to the migration team for fixing.

Comms Commissioning

With the Aurora comms techs, Synerty debugged the CONITEL comms at low level, and ensured that all the RTUs would talk to ADMS when cutover day came.


Synerty was assigned several configuration tasks, including:

  1. Safety document and work package header design
  2. Business intelligence report design


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